Web Forms for marketers and Bootstrap

Just thought I'd share an issue I had using Bootstrap themes and web forms for marketers.
I had an issue embedding a wffm form in a bootsrap modal but got it working, not the most elegant solution but it did the job for me.
The overall issue was that the modal dialog would grey out when opened with a wffm form embedded.

The first step was to isolate the scope of any jquery variables I used. Wffm includes jquery and it broke my scripts. This is the standard way as described here:


WFFM MVC also embeds the bootstrap css files and I had to modify this, this is probably not the most elegant way to do it but i simply changed the .modal { z-index: 1040 } to 1042.

This is located in sitecore \sitecore modules\Web\Web Forms for Marketers\mvc\content

It got it working for me so thought I would share.


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